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EQAA addresses 2017 INQAAHE conference

03-03-2017 16:47

EQAA discussed challenges and promises for quality assurance in higher education at the biannual INQAAHE conference that was hosted in Bahrain by the Education and Training Quality Authority. EQAA Managing Director was awarded for his contributions.

Workshop on Quality Culture in Dubai 27 October 2016

01-09-2016 19:21

EQAA is organising a workshop on How to Create and Embed a Quality Culture in Universities.


The workshop will take place in Dubai, UAE on 27 October 2016.


Please consult the event page for further details.


Dr. Sultan Abu-Orabi joins as Board Member

11-04-2016 08:40

We are pleased to annouce that Dr. Sultan Abu-Orabi has joined EQAA as a new member of the Board. Dr. Sultan is the Secretary General of the Association of Arab Universities and a member of the Board of Trustees of universities in Saudi Arabia and Lebanon. Previously he served as President of universities in Jordan. 

EQAA becomes Full Member of INQAAHE

13-03-2016 10:47

We are pleased to announce that EQAA has been accepted as a Full Member of INQAAHE, the International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education. INQAAHE is the worldwide umbrella organisation for Quality Assurance Agencies in higher education. The membership will allow EQAA to further broaden its cooperation with other quality assurance agencies in various parts of the world. 


Ministers adopt revised ESG

16-05-2015 18:21

At their summit held in Yerevan European Ministers in charge of higher education also adopted the revised version of the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG). EQAA's standards and processes have been designed on the basis of the revised ESG. Therefore, universities and higher education institutions seeking accreditation will already undergo the process in accordance with the revised ESG. 

The revised version of the ESG is available in the file below. 

Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Ministers adopt revised ESG
Updated: 30-06-2015 15:22 - Size: 686.58 KB

New European Standards and Guidelines

07-11-2014 12:39

The revised Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG) have been endorsed by the Bologna Follow-Up Group and will be adopted by the Ministers of Education in May 2015. EQAA is pleased to inform that EQAA already operates fully in line with the new ESG. 

The revised ESG are available in the file below.

Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Revised ESG
Updated: 07-11-2014 16:46 - Size: 363.87 KB


General inquiries:

Accreditation inquiries:

Tel: +49 172 9020828


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10245 Berlin